仰天合体!ケロロベース (Gyouten Gattai! Keroro Base - literally translate to 'amazing combiner') is another combiner which I bought recently, although it's kinda expensive because it's rare and I had to order it from online auction. Well, by now I have a lot of combiners. Lets categorized them then. Lets see.. I have those that can serve as playable track, base, and robots. So, I'll name them track combiner, base combiner and robot combiner, is it good so far? ^^
Back to topic, I've ordered a base combiner lately, and actually it was shipped - delivered to my house earlier, but I didn't received the message, so I actually took the item myself on the last day. Lucky me. If it's not taken by that time, the items would be returned to the seller. I was actually quite angry since I was overseas, thus the post office should not act like that - even though it's their policies *sigh*. Anyway, I still got my item in the end, so nobody's hurt ^^.
This is the pic when they're combined together
The first piece is Keroro & A parts

This is actually the 'backbone' & head cover piece, which serves as a lift. When it stands by itself it becomes a lift as shown from the picture. When combined, it also still becomes a lift from the main control room to the weird robot thing.

The second piece is Giroro & B parts

This is the left ear of the giant keroro base which serves as Giroro's control room, also furnished with the red tent.

The third piece is Tamama & C parts

This is the body piece which stores the robot thingy.

The fourth piece is Kururu & D parts

This is the right ear of the giant keroro base which serves as Kururu's control room, also furnished with the 'robot' I've been talking about.

The last piece is Dororo & E parts

This piece cover the most thing, head, arms and legs. By itself, it serves as the 'base'.

And this is the final look of the giant keroro base when they're combined together.

Overall, this is a really neat toy which is fun to play with!
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