Saturday, January 17, 2009


Transformers animated really makes a lot of breakthrough, safeguard is one of it. This is the first two combiners in this line, and I think safeguard is also the first one that offer two combined modes, the robot mode itself, and the vehicle mode.

The toy came with a comic book.
Box image:
Back view

Jetfire and Jetstorm are supposed to be twin autobots, different in ability, the yellow one has ability to control fire and the other one has ability to control storm hence the names. They're ok in the robot mode-cool looking, and quite better coloring/design, but they're quite lame in the vehicle mode.
Vehicle mode

Safeguard is nice looking, nice color blending, cool design, apart from the hands' sculpt, which also suffer as bad as the each individuals. The vehicle mode is not that grand, it's rather quite lame, in term of the combining, much much... worse compared to Safeguard.
Vehicle mode

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