Saturday, January 17, 2009


I haven't updated this blog in a long time, but I also haven't bought a boxed transformers animated toy in a long time ... or might be not that long. *cough* Starting from this time I will also try to post with new 'style', hover your mouse to the highlighted text and you'll get what I mean.

Anyway the latest transformers animated toy I bought is the garbage truck Wreck-Gar. Box image:
Back view, Side view

As a voyager, I consider it's a small toy, but then again, all voyager class toys in the transformers animated line is considered small. This thing is also blocky, but somehow quite magnificent. The transformation is quite easy, simple and straight forward. Too bad, the scissor claw weapon thingy not really playable. Well, in the truck mode, the front part thing is still playable, so I think it makes up for it. Anyway, cute toy.

Side view, Vehicle mode

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