Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sam & Max 205 - What's New, Beelzebub?

The latest episode of Sam & Max, which is also the season finale for season 2, is just perfect, nice and great. Apart from the excitement of playing a cartoon instead of mere watching it of course. Anyway, the story continues where the last episode left off. And if you remember all the story from the previous episodes, you'll be thrilled to know that the creator/designer/plot writer really know what they are doing and really take that time traveling scenarios into consideration.

*contains spoilers*

Anyway this episode will reveal many things. And sorry to disappoint you but this episode doesn't include superball at all. But you'll be rejoiced by Hugh Bliss or Brady Culture for example, or see how comical the satan and the hell is.

Don't worry about superball since all the other recurring characters are there as well, Bosco, Momma Bosco, Flint, Stinky, Grandpa Stinky, Mr. Featherly, the COPS, Mr. Spatula, Jimmy, Abe and Sybill. And this time Sam & Max also get more places to explore (compared to the previous episodes), although mostly are the same old places.

Oh yea I did mention about time traveling. In the episode 1, Sam & Max went to the future to help themselves, and also in the previous episode, episode 4, they met their past or semi future selves, and yea, it can be quite confusing.

And without giving more spoilers, you'll get to know who is the big boss of evil in this season, and it will be the least thing you'll ever thought *hint hint*.

If you play Sam & Max before, or a big fan, or going to play it, you'll going to enjoy it :)

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