I just realized that I haven't get a chance to take picture of my transformers movie toys collection, so I tried to take them one by one - but that might be too long.

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I just realized that I haven't get a chance to take picture of my transformers movie toys collection, so I tried to take them one by one - but that might be too long.
This post is just a 'comparison' pictures between the G1 transformers with the transformers animated toys. Anyway, I only have 2 G1 transformers which I bought last year, Grimlock and Soundwave.
Ah usually I bought this stuff in one shot as a batch. It's quite painful to wait for the rest robots to be released. *sigh*. Anyway, unlike the previous robot release, this time is 'plug and play' instead of transformable robot.
I love Gash Bell. Ever since the first episode - his 'brave' fight with Kiyomaro - his human partner. I watched the anime - until it's ended in its 150th episode - without sub, I played almost all the games, fighting, rpg, cards, in real life, gba, or ps2. "Child Abuse", that's how my friend refer to the game.
I had always been wanted a power ranger toy - megazord, or toy such megazord - anyway it's a robot combiner. I've tried to satisfy myself with the mugenbine pharaoh I bought months ago.
I saw this new power ranger/sentai series when I was at Japan the enjin sentai go onger, and coincidentally, I saw the toys that people posted at some forum afterwards. Basically it's another combiner, but it keeps adding up.
For starter it's started with 3 robots. And then another three. And then another three to top it up. And each 3 can also combine to another robot. Anyway let's just go to the pictures.
As I picked up my ordered Ultra Magnus, I bought my first transformers ultra class, this time it's from the universe line - Onslaught.
Yesterday I bought another leader class of this toy line, Ultra Magnus. And, it's very very very... great. It's really - purely - offensive vehicle/robot. And the great news is, the transformation is complex :D
Well, I rewarded myself with another triple changer, this time is from Transformers Universe line. Compared to astro train, or perhaps even Blitzwing, this perhaps is more appealing.
I'll create new post when I got new batch of TFA toys or whenever I think it's necessary ^^
Anyway I just received the latest wave yesterday - Jazz, Soundwave, Oil Slick and Snarl.