I had always been wanted a power ranger toy - megazord, or toy such megazord - anyway it's a robot combiner. I've tried to satisfy myself with the mugenbine pharaoh I bought months ago.
I saw this new power ranger/sentai series when I was at Japan the enjin sentai go onger, and coincidentally, I saw the toys that people posted at some forum afterwards. Basically it's another combiner, but it keeps adding up.
For starter it's started with 3 robots. And then another three. And then another three to top it up. And each 3 can also combine to another robot. Anyway let's just go to the pictures.

These are the three main robots, 炎神スピードル (engine speedor - racing car + condor), 炎神バスオン (engine buson - bus + lion), and 炎神ベアールV (engine bearV - bear + truck), which combines to 炎神合体エンジンオー (engine oh).

These are the next three robots, 炎神バルカ (engine birca - orca + motorcycle), 炎神ガンパード (engine gunpherd - shepherd dog + police car), and 炎神キャリゲーター (engine carrigator), which combines to 炎神合体ガンバルオー (ganbaru-oh)

The next three robots are, 炎神トリプター (engine toripter - rooster + helicopter), 炎神ジェットラス (engine jetras - tiger + jetplane), and 炎神ジャン・ボエール (engine jumbowhale - whale + jumbo jet), which combines to 炎神合体セイクウオー (seiku-oh)

The whole robots:

The first combination is the G6.

The last one (for now) is the G9

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