Ah, felt so bad after not doing any update to this blog for a while. Anyway, Pokemon released another combiner, ポケモンからくりキャスル - Pokemon Karakuri Castle, which consists of five pieces and they able to combine into a castle track thing with great gimmick - err - playability.
Anyway this set is supposed to be released somewhere in May in Japan, but too bad, I only managed to get 2 pieces, no. 2 and no. 4, yes I tried to look at a lot of stores, in Japan. Anyway, it never reach Singapore, so I gave up and had to order it from online shop. Here it is...

The first piece is ピカチュウ & 大観覧車 (pikachu & daikanransha - big ferris wheel). There is a big wheel which caters for 3 seatings, each for one pokemon. There is one small wheel to operate/move/rotate the whole big wheel.

The second piece is ポッチャマ & まわるみはり台 (pocchama & mawarumiharidai - turning lookout). There is a lookout place thing, and the pokemon will automatically turn around as it passes the area. Same as previous piece, there is a small wheel to operate the lever to push the pokemon to go through the lookout area.

The third piece is コザル & ぐるりん大車輪 (hikozaru & gururindaisharin - big wheel something). Almost the same with ferris wheel except that this wheel operates differently. There is also a small wheel acts as the mechanical lever to operate the whole thing, so basically the pokemon is loaded to the wheel, it will go up and then spin all the way down, and wait for the wheel to pick it up again. Argh, hope I make sense here.

The fourth piece is ナエトル & でんぐり大階段 (naetoru & denguriookaidan - big stairs something). The pokemon will fall down from the "stairs" with rotating movement. So cute! There is no wheel to operate this piece, so we just have to make the pokemon to fall ourselves.

The final piece is グレッグル & 砦 (guregguri & toride - fortress). The pokemon will seat on the top part of the 'fortress', watching around while we can attach other pokemons below it and rotate the small wheel so it goes into and out the fortress. There's a door/bridge thing that can be opened to become another part of the big track.

This is the picture of the whole 5 pieces.

Those pieces can be combined together to form the final complete thing - karakuri castle track. The 4 small wheels somehow are connected to each other, so one one movement to one wheel will affect the other, thus perform a very neat mechanical thing.

This is the best track combiner I have, and I enjoy this one very much.
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