This post is just an update, or perhaps a more detailed update compared to my previous post regarding Transformers.
My collection was started with bumblebee.

Whoa, the transformation is different, unlike the previous set - transformers movie toys - that I have. It's quite complicated in a sense.

Bumblebee animated and movie counterparts
Satisfied with bumblebee, the next figure that I bought were Prowl and Lockdown.

Prowl - the bike is really awesome, the gimmick - or I should say plus value - beside of the cool transformation from bike to robot and vice versa, the weapons - so called 2 bladed mecha stars, fit nicely in the wheel. The automorph - happens during changing from bike to robot - popping out the head is neat as well.

Prowl is a funky ninja robot
Lockdown is quite disguissed. The robot mode is tall, tall, very tall. Yup, another satisfied feeling for these two robots.

Watch out the bounty hunter!
The next one was the first voyager class, Cybertron-mode Megatron.

What can I say... the transformation part is quite complicated, but there's a feeling of incompletion. There is an 'automorph' feature but not that grand. Since it's a Cybertronian ship, I don't really recognize the space ship thing.

Ugly Megatron...
After my dissatisfaction with voyager Megatron, and after poisoned by the great review by some previous buyers, I decided to buy the leader class - Earth-mode Megatron.

This is a perfect show accurate toy so far. The transformation is just as shown from the cartoon. But, the not so good part is that the transformation is not so complex. Oh yea, since this is the first leader class toy that I opened, I was really satisfied and perhaps amazed of this.

Fear the leader of Decepticons!
The next one were voyager Bulkhead and Starscream.

Bulkhead is just cute, big, plum, cute. The tagline is funny, the launching ball is enjoyable.

Oops sorry, Bulkhead is bulky!
Starscream is... hideous. The evil face is just evil. Not quite difficult to transform, no further comment on him.

Pure evil
The next batch was quite a lot. Deluxe Ratchet, Blackarachnia, Cybertron-mode Optimus Prime and the package of battle damage OP & Megatron. Previously I didn't want to buy the latest one, but too bad, the axe is just too good to be resisted.

I opened up the Blackarachnia first. And I could just say wow. It's simply amazing, with a lot of articulation thus high posability. I love the grappling hook weapon, it could act as a spider web thing.

Spider Woman (and wonder man? *lol*)
Ratchet is not that grand, he's supposed to have this 'backpack' which can hold a lot of tools, but I don't really know how to make it.

The fat technician..
Optimus Prime is quite ok, I love how his axe could be transformed as well thus he kinda have 3 different forms of axe.

Roll out!
Battle damage Optimus Prime, I only love his axe, the most show accurate. The transformation is about the same with his Cybertron counterpart.

The great ion axe costs $50
Battle damage Megatron is even uglier compared to the voyager counterpart. But somehow the blade/gun transformation is better.

Damaged means terrible..
Next ones after that were loose leader bulkhead and supreme Optimus Prime. No box shots. Oh well, I'll throw the box shot of supreme that I took from takashimaya.

The supreme class is not really detailed, but it's a huge toy (yup toy - things that made for children). Well it's kinda electronic toy which could transform automatically, or at least semi-automatically.

It's HUGE!!!
Bulkhead is big, but not show accurate. He's also completed with headmaster that could change his voice.

After that was Grimlock which was followed by voyager Optimus Prime soon enough.

I thought Grimlock was nice, but there's a huge gap in his chest not covering the robot's head part. Anyway quite disappointed since a lot of people saying this is the nicest one to play with. The sword's gimmick thing is not that great as well.

Grimlock hungry?
Voyager class Earth-mode Optimus Prime is superb. The minus thing is the axe. The gun - water gun - which could actually squirts real water if you fill it up, I think, makes for the axe. The rotating wist thing when I tried to transform it was somehow cool... but not cool enough for me.

Optimus Prime colony!
The latest ones were a pair of Blitzwing and Lugnut.

Lugnut's mace was nice, I almost broke it when I tried to activate it. People say that it's too small for voyager class, but I don't mind, I prefer it to be show accurate, and there it was.

Annoying mace...
Blitzwing is a triple-changer, the first one that I play with. Again, another disappointment, because it's too... err... dont' know what to say. But the toy itself is somehow show accurate, apart that the plane mode doesn't have any tank's wheel thingy in the cartoon. It also comes with 3 different head - reflects his 3 different personalities.

One toy for many things.
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